
Gulu and Suolun’s adoption record

2011/04/07 14:49
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PeoPo推 1

Gulu and Suolun is a pair of pet rabbits that have suffered greatly. Taipei Rabbit Association was notified about this case through a Mr Lou who also prepared some information regarding the situation. Volunteers from Taipei Rabbit Association rushed immediately to the location, where they found Gulu and Suolun is desperate need of both water and food. The volunteers then inquired whether or not the owner of the rabbits wished to continue rearing them. The owners confirmed that they didn’t desire to raise the rabbits any longer and were willing to give the rabbits to Taipei Rabbit Association in the hope of finding suitable dwellings for the rabbits. The volunteers and members of a photography group from Ming Chuan University then took Gulu and Suolun back to Taipei Rabbit Association.

After arriving back, the first call for the rabbits was the vet where they underwent a physical examination. At this stage Gulu’s condition was very poor, who as a result of the poor living environment had lost all its fur and developed skin problems?. ?The? rabbits had been severely malnourished to the point where you could almost see the veins inside the rabbit’s body and its very life was threatened. Appropriate action had to be taken to reestablish Gulu’s nutrition level and healthy bacteria in its body to bring it back from the edge of death. The vet involved was deeply moved that these two rabbits couldsurvive after being in such poor physical condition.

Gulu and Suolun’s adoption record (by CJ Taipei Rabbit Association)




咕嚕索輪送養記(公民記者 台北市愛兔協會 報導)


咕 嚕與索倫是一對遭到嚴重不當飼養的寵物兔,原始通報人羅先生將當飼養案 件相關資料寄給台北是愛兔協會,協會人員立即派出地區關懷志工前往探訪,除了給予緊急的飲食耗材之外,也跟飼主討論是否願意或轉讓等事宜。飼主回覆確認不 再飼養,願意無償交由愛兔協會照顧以及安置。之後,咕嚕、索倫由協會志工以及銘傳大學攝影組等人帶回協會照顧,在第一時間送去醫院做必要的身體檢查,咕嚕 的狀況非常差,因為環境長期緊迫而造成全身性的脫毛、體內膠原蛋白流失導致皮膚薄如蟬翼,幾乎可以直接透視到體內血管,而嚴重的營養不良已經直接威脅到生 命,必須先給予充足的營養以及必要的體內生益菌以維持基本生命,獸醫師也對兔兔可以這樣存活感到不可思議。



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