

2025/03/21 16:00
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Taiwan Advances Drone Technology: “Jingfeng-I” 


Industry-Academia Collaboration Drives Drone Technology Innovation


To accelerate the development of Taiwan’s drone industry, the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with National Taiwan University, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, and National Formosa University. The collaboration aims to enhance talent cultivation, operational management, and technological innovation while integrating digital twin and AI applications in the drone sector.


Jingfeng-I Drone Its Grand Debut


The signing ceremony took place at NTU’s Yunlin campus, attended by NCSIST President Li Zhong-Jiang, NTU President Chen Wen-Chang, NFU President Chang Xin-Liang, and NYUST Vice President Wu Ming-Chang. Representatives from the Asian Drone AI Innovation Research Center and companies interested in establishing a presence at the Chiayi Minxiong Aerospace and Drone Industry Park were also present.


Among the showcased innovations were the Red Sparrow III drone, a battlefield exoskeleton, and the most anticipated unveiling of the "Jingfeng-I". This drone features a 15-minute endurance, an 8-kilometer control range, and is equipped with both optical and infrared payloads. It can be launched from a tube and is capable of target identification, tracking, and beyond-visual-range precision strikes, demonstrating Taiwan's growing defense technology capabilities.

深化無人機產業鏈 助攻全球市場

Strengthening Taiwan’s Drone Industry for Global Competitiveness


NCSIST emphasized that this collaboration with three universities marks a significant milestone in Taiwan’s drone technology advancement. Moving forward, more research projects will be implemented to accelerate technological innovation and upgrades, enhancing Taiwan’s global competitiveness. Additionally, by integrating academia and industry, students involved in these projects will become key talents in the future drone industry, bridging the gap between education and real-world applications.


Furthermore, NCSIST is actively supporting government policies by driving the development of the Chiayi Minxiong Aerospace and Drone Industry Park. By integrating existing R&D capabilities with testing facilities and establishing a simulation computing center, Taiwan aims to accelerate the growth of its drone industry and strengthen its position in the global supply chain.



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