

2025/03/25 10:05
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AI-Powered Drones Revolutionizing Taiwan’s Coastal Cleanup


Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been leveraging UAVs and AI technology to enhance coastal waste monitoring and cleanup efforts. Since 2024, the agency has conducted inspections across 15 coastal areas, covering a total of 13.183 square kilometers. The integration of AI-powered object detection has enabled the identification and removal of over 582 metric tons of waste, with an impressive 80% accuracy rate compared to human analysis.

🔍 精準巡檢 AI輔助提升效率
🔍 AI-Assisted Precision Inspections Boost Efficiency


With Taiwan’s 1,990-kilometer-long coastline, some areas are difficult to access manually. The EPA has introduced UAV surveillance, allowing each flight to inspect up to 2 kilometers of coastal terrain. AI-powered image processing automatically stitches aerial photos, identifies waste hotspots, and triggers cleanup alerts. Compared to traditional manual inspections, which can take up to a week, this technology completes the process within a day, significantly improving efficiency.

🌏 科技環保新未來 AI打造海岸永續清潔機制
🌏 Sustainable Coastal Management with AI-Powered Technology


In 2024, the EPA conducted 15 drone surveillance missions, capturing 5,726 aerial images and analyzing a total waste-covered area of 477,630 square meters with an 80% detection accuracy. The agency also implemented an AI-powered image recognition system developed domestically, training it with over 8,000 coastal waste images to enhance precision. Future advancements will focus on waste categorization to track sources more effectively and develop targeted reduction strategies.

📢 跨部會合作 打造智慧環保新典範
📢 Interagency Collaboration for a Smarter, Cleaner Environment


Looking ahead, the EPA plans to enhance AI waste identification capabilities, refine waste categorization, and collaborate with local governments and interagency units to strengthen coastal management. This groundbreaking technology not only boosts efficiency in monitoring and cleanup but also marks a significant step toward Taiwan’s vision of smart environmental protection and sustainable development.



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