

2025/03/20 10:05
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“Taiwan’s Drone Industry Takes Off! NCSIST Joins Forces with Academia and Industry to Forge a New Economic Miracle”





A New Milestone for Taiwan’s Drone Industry



To accelerate talent cultivation, the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) has launched the “Minxiong Aerospace and Drone Industrial Park” in Chiayi County. NCSIST signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOU) with National Taiwan University (NTU), National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (YunTech), and National Formosa University (NFU).


According to NCSIST President Lee Shih-Chiang, the Ministry of National Defense is revising regulations to release years of accumulated research and development (R&D) expertise to boost the drone industry. He emphasized that through close collaboration between the government, industry, and academia, Taiwan has the potential to create its “second economic miracle.”


A Pioneering Drone Industrial Park on a Global Scale


Spanning over 50 hectares, the Minxiong Drone Industrial Park is set to become a key hub for UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) development. The first phase, located on the east side, is expected to be completed by early next year and will focus on military-grade drones. The west side has secured NT$6.859 billion in funding from the Executive Yuan to establish testing facilities, a closed-flight test area, and rental space for drone companies. Construction is scheduled to begin next year.


“This is the world’s first dedicated aerospace industrial park for drones,” Lee stated. He emphasized that advancements in AI will unlock limitless possibilities for UAV applications, positioning Taiwan at the forefront of this technological revolution.


Government-Industry-Academia Alliance to Bridge the UAV Talent Gap


The rapid expansion of the drone industry faces a significant talent shortage. Lin Cheng-Yun, General Manager of Yuanzi Systems Integration, noted that the semiconductor sector has attracted much of Taiwan’s tech workforce, making industry-academia collaboration crucial for nurturing new UAV experts.


NTU President Chen Wen-Chang announced plans to introduce UAV and AI-related credit courses and to collaborate with the Ministry of Education in establishing degree programs dedicated to these fields, ensuring a steady pipeline of skilled professionals for the industry.


Yunlin County Magistrate Chang Li-Shan expressed her vision of transforming Yunlin from a traditional agricultural county into a tech-driven smart city through this strategic collaboration.


This government-industry-academia alliance, spearheaded by NCSIST, is set to drive innovation in UAV technology and establish a new milestone for Taiwan’s emerging industries. Will the development of the Minxiong Drone Industrial Park lead to Taiwan’s next economic miracle? Only time will tell.



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