
臺灣自主無人機供應鏈啟航 中科院釋商技術開創新局

2025/03/18 11:30
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臺灣自主無人機供應鏈啟航 中科院釋商技術開創新局

Taiwan’s Indigenous Drone Supply Chain Takes Off: NCSIST Commercializes Key Technologies

為落實國防自主,中山科學研究院(中科院)昨日宣布,將針對紅雀三型、銳鳶二型及騰雲無人機等機型進行專利與技術釋商,以打造臺灣本土無人機供應鏈,並進一步拓展全球市場,參與「去紅供應鏈」(De-Sinicization supply chain)競爭。

To strengthen defense self-sufficiency, Taiwan’s National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) announced yesterday that it will commercialize patents and technologies related to three drone models: the Cardinal III, the Rui-Ying II, and the Teng-Yun UAV. This initiative aims to establish a domestic drone supply chain while positioning Taiwan as a key player in the global “De-Sinicization supply chain” strategy.

技術移轉開放 促進產業發展與國防自主

Technology Transfer to Boost Industry Growth and Defense Independence


NCSIST emphasized that the commercialization program follows the "Fundamental Science and Technology Act," allowing qualified domestic companies to obtain paid access to key technologies through technology transfer and services. This initiative aims to enhance Taiwan’s defense self-reliance, expand the industry scale, and increase competitiveness in global markets.

三大無人機釋商 完整技術支援產業鏈

Three Drone Models for Commercialization: Comprehensive Industry Support


The three drone models—Cardinal III, Rui-Ying II, and Teng-Yun—have all completed testing and validation. The technology offerings include power components, communication integration, and ground control systems for the Cardinal III; system design, configuration development, and manufacturing expertise for the Rui-Ying II; and composite airframe materials, antenna tracking, and automated takeoff and landing technology for the Teng-Yun UAV. Multiple Taiwanese companies have already expressed interest, and through licensing and technology transfer, Taiwan aims to establish a complete drone supply chain.

產學研聯盟成形 民雄航太園區強化戰力

Academia-Industry Alliance Strengthens Drone Development in Minxiong Aerospace Park


To further integrate industry, academia, and research resources, NCSIST will sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with National Taiwan University, Yunlin University of Science and Technology, and National Formosa University. This partnership will support the development of the Minxiong Aerospace and Drone Industrial Park, covering key areas such as drone technology, hydrogen energy, AI applications, and digital twin integration. By opening the park to private enterprises and providing ODM and OEM services, Taiwan aims to strengthen its asymmetric warfare capabilities through enhanced academia-industry collaboration.



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