美台攜手打造科技供應鏈 無人機與機器人產業擴展新機遇

美台攜手打造科技供應鏈 無人機與機器人產業擴展新機遇
U.S.-Taiwan Partnership Strengthens Tech Supply Chain, Expanding Drone and Robotics Industries
美國在台協會(AIT)處長谷立言(Raymond Greene)17日表示,美台在經濟領域的深化合作不僅將強化雙方的競爭力與安全性,還將促進全球繁榮,為國際社會帶來廣泛利益。
Raymond Greene, Director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), stated on the 17th that deepened U.S.-Taiwan economic collaboration will not only enhance mutual competitiveness and security but also drive global prosperity, benefiting the international community.

上圖為美國在台協會處長谷立言(Raymond F. Greene),照片取自AIT官方網站
台積電亞利桑那擴建 美台聯手迎接AI時代
TSMC’s Arizona Expansion: U.S.-Taiwan Alliance Fuels AI Growth
Greene emphasized that the U.S. and Taiwan have highly complementary economies and are global leaders in technology. Recently, former U.S. President Donald Trump and TSMC Chairman Mark Liu announced an additional $100 billion investment in Arizona, a historic move that will further U.S.-Taiwan cooperation to meet the surging global demand for advanced semiconductors and support the growth of AI and other cutting-edge applications.
科技戰略轉移 美台攜手重塑供應鏈
Strategic Shift: U.S.-Taiwan Partnership Reshapes the Supply Chain
Greene underscored that through joint efforts, the U.S. and Taiwan are actively replacing China in critical industries such as drones and robotics. As Taiwan’s manufacturing sector rapidly relocates out of China, this transition will significantly contribute to America’s industrial revitalization, aligning with Trump’s strategy for U.S. reindustrialization.