〈Cure White Scar, Cure Mind Scar〉 White scars used to be the mark that made me feel how bitter life can be. Through healing white scars, I reconciled with my past and removed the Mind scars.

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Abstract: This article tells the story of a young lady's journey with white scars. In the midst of family difficulties and her brother's drug addiction, she resorted to self-harm to protect the family's finances. This painful experience left her with white scars, but later, she decided to find a doctor to help remove these scars, fulfilling her wish to "Cure White Scar, Cure Mind Scar". She also shares her experience of participating in International White Scar Day, urging society to pay attention to the inner world of white scar patients and convey a message of love.


The "Cure White Scar, Cure Mind Scar" column features interviews with white scar patients by the editors of International White Scar Day. To protect personal privacy, real names are replaced with the first letter of the surname in English. We thank all the friends who are willing to come forward and share their personal experiences as real-life witnesses, and we congratulate those who have healed white scars and reconciled with their past, embarking on a new life.


"Cure White Scar, Cure Mind Scar" is honored to invite Ms. W for the first time. We thank her for her willingness to share her personal journey with white scars and promote white scar awareness on International White Scar Day.


Editor: Thank you, Ms. W, for sharing such a moving story with us. Please tell us your story and why you chose to participate in International White Scar Day several years later, willing to promote white scar awareness.

Ms. W: Before I talk about the occurrence of white scars, let me briefly discuss my family background. This story happened more than ten years ago when I was a first-year high school student. Our family's financial situation had always been difficult, and at that time, my grandmother had just passed away, which was like adding insult to injury. In addition, my brother had developed a drug addiction, which made our family's situation even more challenging.


Editor: Your family situation at that time was something many people would find difficult to cope with. I'm glad you made it through. So, please tell us, given that background, why did you end up with white scars later on?

Ms. W: I will never forget that day. We had just finished my grandmother's funeral, and my brother came home and kept pressuring me to give him some valuable items I had that were needed for our grandmother's affairs. These items were essential for the afterlife, but my brother's drug addiction had led him to irrational behavior, and he was trying to take them away. I was already on the brink of a breakdown due to the constant stress at home, and with my brother's erratic actions, I decided to fight desperately to protect that money.


Editor: In that chaotic situation, what did you do to stop him?

Ms. W: I was extremely distressed at the time, and my brother was unable to communicate rationally. So, I rushed into the kitchen, picked up a fruit knife, and forced my brother into his room, then I even used the knife to attack his room's door, attempting to scare him away from trying to take my money. I shouted loudly, demanding that he open the door, while also threatening him that if he came back for the money, I would really fight him.


Editor: Did your attempt at intimidation have any actual effect? How did you and your brother deal with the complex family issues afterward?

Ms. W: I was crying and felt utterly helpless at that moment. I felt that the money I had in my hands was my only way out, my only means of survival. It was a moment of extreme stress and desperation. So, I closed my eyes, took the fruit knife, and made three cuts on my arm. At that moment, blood flowed, and I didn't feel the pain. I only felt that I had to stay alive for the sake of this family. From that day on, I never spoke to my brother again.


Editor: Your strength and personal growth in the face of what you had to endure at such a young age are truly inspiring. Did anything change in the family dynamics after that?

Ms. W: Over the past ten years, my brother went in and out of prison for drug rehabilitation three times. After his last release, his health deteriorated, and he was diagnosed with cancer. He eventually felt deep regret and expressed his remorse to me and my grandfather, seeking forgiveness. So, I decided to accept him back into my life, and we repaired our relationship.

In a way, forgiving him was also forgiving myself. We both understood that we cared for each other, but our expressions of love were too extreme.


Editor: It's heartening to see that you and your family found a warm reconciliation. How did you decide to get rid of the white scars? And this year, after September, why were you willing to get involved with International White Scar Day once again to promote it?

Ms. W: Whenever I looked at those three white scars on my arm, I was reminded of the painful experience I went through back then. Later on, I stumbled upon a news report about Dr. Su-Ben Tsao's White Scar Color Regeneration surgery. I told myself that it was time to move beyond the past's pain and do something meaningful.

So, I went south to find Dr. Tsao, and he helped me remove those white scars, fulfilling my long-standing wish to "heal white scars and remove heart scars." This not only changed my life. This September, the International White Scar Center promoted "International White Scar Day," calling for society to pay attention to the inner world of white scar patients. I am honored to share my story through this initiative and convey a message of love to more people. Thank you for allowing me to participate in a charitable event that spreads love through International White Scar Day.


Editor: Thank you very much for sharing this story. Your strength and courage are truly inspiring, and we hope that through promoting "International White Scar Day," we can raise awareness about white scars in society and give all white scar patients the opportunity to "Cure White Scar, Cure Mind Scar."

Ms. W: Thanks to the interview by the International White Scar Day editing team. I hope that my real-life story can inspire others, letting them know that, no matter what happened in the past, there is a chance to start a new life. By bravely facing white scars, dealing with white scars, and healing white scars, we can remove mind scars.

In the past, I didn't know how to express love, but through International White Scar Day's "Love Passes On," I am willing to love first, love myself more, love my family more, and even love those who, like me, developed white scars in adversity.

I want to tell everyone that white scars can be healed, and we all have the opportunity to reconcile with our past.



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加入時間: 2021.01.31


加入時間: 2021.01.31


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〈Cure White Scar, Cure Mind Scar〉 White scars used to be the mark that made me feel how bitter life can be. Through healing white scars, I reconciled with my past and removed the Mind scars.



