
The fragrance of Huashan; the innovative road of Gukeng coffee

2021/12/09 10:13
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Gukeng Township in Yunlin County is located on the Tropic of Cancer. With perfect sunshine, rainfall, and soil for growing coffee, Gukeng is known as the home of coffee in Taiwan. In the past, the coffee festival held in Gukeng was a popular tourist event, driving the area's popularity and transforming Gukeng into a hot tourist destination.



However, in the face of a declining number of tourists, many coffee sellers have been forced to innovate and transform into combination-style coffee shops, adopting food and beverage sales, DIY classes, and even Internet influencers to attract customers. In addition, local stores also cooperate and share information to ensure a tight-knit relationship in the Gukeng coffee seller community. Regardless of whether the crowds in Gukeng will ever return to the old days, no doubt the mesmerizing aroma of coffee will continue to waft throughout the land for many years to come.



華山飄香 古坑咖啡的創新之路









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