
New trends in oyster farming technology

2020/11/24 14:58
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The coastal areas of Yunlin, Chiayi, and Tainan are key centers of oyster farming in Taiwan. Every year after Ching Ming Festival, the oyster harvest comes to an end, and many oyster racks are washed up on the shore, resulting in serious marine pollution. In traditional oyster farming, twelve pieces of Styrofoam are placed under each oyster rack. Unfortunately, the Styrofoam easily decomposes in the ocean and drifts off to become marine pollution. In a vicious cycle, fish eat this garbage, and humans then catch and eat the fish, ingesting the pollutants.


To prevent marine pollution, city governments stipulate that oyster farmers must recycle Styrofoam used as buoys on oyster racks, but many choose to burn the racks instead. Tainan oyster farmer Lin Ming-de (林明德) has independently developed an eco-friendly PVC oyster rack, hoping to reduce the burden on oyster farmers while at the same time taking into account environmental protection. However, these so-called “eco-friendly PVC oyster racks” have yet to overcome the problem of becoming brittle under the scorching sun. Hopefully, oyster farmers will continue to develop more eco-friendly oyster racks and eventually strike a harmonious balance between sustaining one’s livelihood and protecting the natural world.












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