
The right of physically disabled children to have fun can’t wait!

2015/10/21 17:44
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PeoPo推 0


Playing games after school with friends or with neighbors in the park is an important right of children. However, playground facilities in Taiwan have continually made it impossible for children with a disability to build relationships through interactions with peers during games. This not only takes away the right of children to have fun, but also affects the interpersonal relationships of such children.

Wen-yu (玟聿) was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at just one year old. During her years growing up and attending school, classmates and friends have often invited Wen-yu to the playground to have fun, but because of unsuitable playground facilities, she always declines.

Wen-yu's mother hopes that in the future, playgrounds in schools and parks will provide at least one or two rides that are inclusive, so that disabled children can play with their classmates and peers, providing important interaction between children and ensuring that no child is forced to endure the terrible injustice of just sitting and watching while their friends have fun.  

The right of physically disabled children to have fun can’t wait!








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