
Leftover food legend: Stone Soup providing warmth in society

2014/09/02 12:56
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Established by three young people who care about social issues, ‘100 Flavors of Life’ is a group whose members claim to be ‘nobody special.’ The group hopes that through the power of the masses, the distance between people in society can be narrowed. They believe that bringing people closer together will eliminate the so-called fringes of society. The aim of the ‘Stone Soup Plan’ is to cook up surplus fresh produce gathered from people’s homes and distribute it to people in need – essentially, taking food that would have originally ended up in the garbage bin and turning it into bowl after bowl of heartwarming soup. 

With around 275 tons of assorted food being wasted in Taiwan each year, ‘100 Flavors of Life’ is committed to bringing about a redistribution of social resources, using this food surplus to provide some light for those in need. The group firmly believes that there are no ‘disadvantaged groups’, only ‘disadvantaged situations.’ Once everyone is willing to step out and help people in need, the world will be a place with more light and less darkness. 


Leftover food legend: Stone Soup providing warmth in society



剩食傳說: 一碗能溫暖社會角落的 石頭湯






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