
Homeless lead city tours regaining hope for new life

2014/08/13 10:37
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With a blue hat and grey hair, 64 year-old tour guide A-Qiang (阿強) was formerly homeless on the streets. Giving personal narratives of his life experiences while conducting tours, A-Qiang provides a whole new view of the Monga (艋舺) area. Hidden Taipei (街遊) is an alternative walking tour organization that employs tour guides who were all formerly homeless. The tour content is not famous historical buildings but the true-life experiences of the tour guides from their days living on the streets.

While attending the initial tour guide training program, A-Qiang was convinced it would be impossible for him to pass. Over time, however, through the encouragement of social workers and teachers he gained confidence and became the first tour guide at Hidden Taipei. A-Qiang displays a calm and steady attitude in what can be a tough job, and hopes to encourage other homeless people to believe that as long as they have the heart, then there is hope of changing their lives for the better.


Homeless lead city tours regaining hope for new life








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