
Gulou Community uses love to build village kitchen

2014/06/24 14:29
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PeoPo推 1

In 2011, Pingtung’s Gulou Commonity Development Association founded a care center for elderly residents, which provided a communal weekly meal and aerobics classes – a long-abandoned bus stop was also transformed into the village kitchen. Later, volunteers began selling handmade desserts and food, the profits of which were used to fund the communal meal for elderly residents. The village kitchen went through a further complete transformation to become a small shop selling food. 


By 2013, the village kitchen had already become a small local restaurant, providing its own unique indigenous style cuisine and a 7-day quality service – it had become formally known as “Gulou Village Kitchen.” The kitchen’s reputation has grown even more recently, after it tweaked the unique cuisine to suit the taste of the masses and began attracting tourists in the area. At present, the restaurant closes every Thursday, using the space to provide the communal meal and aerobics classes to elderly village residents. Additionally, at 4 o’clock each day when the restaurant closes, any unsold food is packed up and delivered to elderly residents living alone, providing them with not only food but a great deal of love and warmth.  

 “Gulou Village Kitchen” currently employs 6 young local people to run the restaurant. It is hoped that through providing such employment opportunities for the indigenous youth, the young people who need to support their family livelihood don’t need to work far away from home. Hopefully, this will in turn attract more young people back to their homeland and motivate them to give back to the community. 


Gulou Community uses love to build village kitchen 


古樓社區 用愛搭建部落廚房







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