
Cycle path fails to be respected

2013/12/11 13:41
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PeoPo推 0

Marked in solid white lines and bicycle symbols, the government has created cycle paths along numerous riversides and pedestrian walkways, with the apparent aim of providing cyclists with a stress-free cycling experience. In reality, however, regardless of whether it is pedestrian walkways or cycle paths, the vast majority quickly become parking spaces for cars, private parking spots for shop owners and outdoor spaces occupied by locals; though these cycle paths have become unusable, the government has failed to take any action in resolving the situation.

From a study of the area near the citizen journalist’s home – from Fuxing Road to Longen Street in New Taipei City - a number of findings were made: parked motorcycles crowd both sides of cycle path outside the refuse collection services; three street vendors in front of the old community have been operating on a long-term basis blocking the pedestrian walkway; local residents engage in catering business operations, serving food on tables situated on the walkway; and business signs are placed all along the walkway.

Additionally, from Longen Street to the highway, around 75 meters of sidewalk has been encircled by large plastic containers, obviously a sign of enclosure and ‘ownership’ – the relevant authorities must pay close attention to this situation.

Cycle path fails to be respected






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