
Fish market or neglected building? – General Port struggles with regeneration

2013/11/28 15:57
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Greater Tainan’s “2013 Milkfish Industry and Cultural Festival (虱目魚文化節)” has brought together the coastal districts of Annan (安南), Qigu (七股), Jiangjun (將軍), Xuejia (學甲) and Beimen (北門) in a joint collaboration. However, though it is a joint collaboration, with only the fish auction remaining in Jiangjun District, the district chose not to organize its own event. Moreover, with catches particularly low this year, visitors to the area at weekends are becoming fewer and fewer.

A tourist fish market that has been lying derelict for numerous years was originally scheduled for reopening this April; unfortunately, to date the building remains dilapidated and without any sign of change. Construction of the fish market was completed in August 2005; earmarked for the 1st floor were live fish seafood stalls, a self-cook restaurant and stalls selling fresh seafood snacks; a specialty seafood restaurant on the 2nd floor; and a panoramic coffee lounge on the 3rd floor.

In December of the same year, the government commissioned Neptune’s Restaurant (海龍王餐廳) to oversee business operations; however, owing to slow business and a dispute with the government, in 2009 Neptune’s Restaurant and the government entered into a legal dispute, turning the market into a derelict building. It was not until September 2012, when the well-known financial consortium Jin Chuen Sheng Freezer Co., Ltd (JCS) - known for the ‘Old Captain (老船長公司)’ brand - secured the business operating rights that things began to change for the better. However, shortly after JCS won the bid, it was discovered that the fish market was in need of major repairs, which JCS was being expected to take responsibility for.

In response to the accusation that the building had become seriously neglected, the government official in charge responded by saying that the delay was due to a delayed building license application. The livelihood of virtually everyone in the area relies on the fishing industry and there are major problems with population outflow. Though the tourist fish market is scheduled for completion in March 2014, locals are not optimistic; they say that the real problem lies in the current conditions for developing fishing ports. Many believe that the main reason for stagnation of the fishing ports is due to neighboring districts only having Provincial Highway No. 61 (usually known as West Coast Expressway) connecting them, making transportation for would-be visitors difficult.  

Fish market or neglected building? – General Port struggles with regeneration

漁市場又成蚊子館? 將軍港難以重振雄風


2013年台南虱目魚文化節,結合沿海地區的安南、七股、將軍、學甲及北門區共同合辦。雖然是五區合辦,不過卻只有將軍區沒有在自己區內舉辦活動。來到將軍漁港,卻只剩漁獲拍賣場。近年因為漁獲減少,假日沒有什麼人潮。另一邊已閒置多年的觀光漁市場 ,原訂今年四月要重新開幕,但至今仍殘破不堪。

觀光魚市場在民國94年8月建造完成,當時規畫一樓經營活魚直銷、代客煮食等新鮮小吃,二樓是特色餐廳,三樓則是景觀咖啡廳。同 年12月政府委託海龍王餐廳業者經營,不料因為經營不善,加上和政府官方有糾紛,從民國98年業者和政府開始打官司,觀光魚市場就此開始閒置,成為蚊子館。一直到101年9月知名餐飲集團老船長公司接下經營權,一度視為轉機。




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