
Planning for Shanlin

2013/10/29 16:03
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Kaohsiung’s Shanlin District (杉林區) is located in the direction of Xiaolin Village (小林村) on Route 21, bordering Moonlight Mountain (月光山) in Meinong (美濃) District. Shanlin District is not as well-known as the neighboring districts of Meinong, Qishan (旗山), or Jiaxian (甲仙), and following the Morakot disaster, the district was chosen by The Tzu Chi (慈濟) Foundation to build 1000 homes in a permanent housing village; it is this building complex that Shanlin District has become known for in the outside world.

In what was already a deprived area that lacked job opportunities, the loss of land and large population influx brought about by the Morakot disaster has made it even tougher for local people to make ends meet. Originally, squash was the main agricultural crop in the district, and so a group of residents decided to promote ‘gourd art’ as a way of raising the reputation of Shanlin District.

The advantage of the idea is that locals can continue growing gourds and other squash varieties, while at the same time creating new job opportunities in gourd processing and preparation work. In addition to gourd art pieces having a higher market value, plain gourds that used to sell for NT$20-30 can now fetch NT$50-100 when dried - gourd art work can fetch anything up to NT$300,000.

Planning for Shanlin






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