

2025/03/17 10:05
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突破極限!台灣氫燃料無人機引領未來航程Breaking the Limit: Taiwan’s Hydrogen Fuel Cell Drone Leads the Future of Flight


Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has successfully integrated hydrogen fuel cells into drones, addressing the challenge of limited flight endurance.


To overcome the limitations of traditional lithium polymer batteries, such as short flight duration and limited payload capacity, ITRI and Taiwan’s industry leaders formed the “Fuel Cell and Drone Integration Alliance.” The hydrogen fuel cell’s high energy density allows for continuous power generation with simple refueling, effectively turning the drone into a mini power station.


At the testing site, technicians carefully installed the cylindrical hydrogen fuel cell onto the drone, meticulously verifying each step to ensure flight safety. As the drone ascended, the research team monitored the data, witnessing the successful operation of the Taiwan-made hydrogen fuel cell.


The hydrogen fuel cell is not only lightweight and capable of carrying heavier payloads but also significantly extends flight duration.

此外,氫燃料電池僅排放水蒸氣和空氣,完全無污染。從設計到組裝,全程MIT(Made in Taiwan),展現台灣科技實力。

Moreover, the hydrogen fuel cell emits only water vapor and air, making it environmentally friendly. With the entire design and assembly process completed in Taiwan, this innovation highlights the nation’s technological prowess.


From monitoring forest fires to executing maritime rescue missions, the hydrogen-powered drone excels in diverse environments. It played a crucial role during the Kaohsiung Angel Wheel shipwreck incident and now, with the support of hydrogen fuel cells, is paving the way for Taiwan’s drone industry to soar to new heights while contributing to environmental protection.




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