
53洄藝據點位於馬祖南竿鄉津沙村南端近海處,通往據點的唯一道路狹窄曲折,周圍樹林茂密。 該據點地勢平坦,主建築室內空間開闊,並有外部廣場。
主建築左側有階梯通往兩個機槍堡,分別為信心堡與反共堡。 右側則有地下坑道通往57戰防砲陣地。 另一地下坑道深入地底,出口為臨海的雙層軍事建築,地下一層為機槍射口,地上一層為40高砲陣地。
Matsu’s 53rd Stronghold Transformed: From Military Bunker to Artistic Haven
The 53rd stronghold in Matsu, once a military facility, has been transformed into an art space named “53 Art Base,” officially opening to the public today.
The transformation aims to revitalize abandoned military installations, offering new cultural experiences for local residents and visitors.
This change not only breathes new life into old spaces but also adds cultural charm to the Matsu area, expected to become a popular spot for both locals and tourists.
The 53 Art Base is located at the southern end of Jinsha Village in Nangan Township, Matsu, near the coast. The only access road to the site is narrow and winding, surrounded by dense forests.
The site features a flat terrain, with a spacious interior in the main building and an external plaza.
To the left of the main building, a staircase leads to two machine gun bunkers, named Confidence Fort and Anti-Communist Fort. On the right side, an underground tunnel connects to the No. 57 Anti-Tank Gun Position. Another underground passage extends deep beneath the ground, emerging at a two-story military structure by the sea. The lower level houses machine gun ports, while the upper level serves as a 40mm anti-aircraft gun emplacement.
The site is well-preserved, showcasing a high level of interaction between human engineering and the natural environment.