

2025/03/21 07:00
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(Picture source: ROCAF)



然而,2025年2月15日,一架勇鷹教練機在執行武器訓練任務時,因引擎故障墜毀於海中,所幸飛行員成功彈射逃生。  此次事故為勇鷹計劃自2020年首飛以來的首次重大挫折,空軍已成立調查小組進行深入調查。



Taiwan Accelerates Deployment of T-5 Brave Eagle Trainer to Enhance Combat Readiness

The Taiwanese Air Force has recently accelerated the deployment of the T-5 Brave Eagle advanced jet trainer to enhance combat readiness.Developed by the Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC), the T-5 Brave Eagle is designed to replace the aging AT-3 trainers and some F-5E/F fighter jets.This aircraft not only serves as an advanced trainer but also has light attack capabilities, enhancing the Air Force’s multi-role capacity.

In June 2020, the Brave Eagle successfully completed its maiden flight at Ching Chuan Kang Air Base in Taichung, marking a significant milestone in Taiwan’s indigenous aerospace development.On November 29, 2021, the first production model was officially delivered to the Air Force and flown to Taitung’s Zhihang Air Base to commence transition training.

However, on February 15, 2025, a Brave Eagle trainer crashed into the sea during a weapons training mission due to engine failure; fortunately, the pilot safely ejected.  This incident marked the first major setback for the Brave Eagle program since its inaugural flight in 2020, and the Air Force has established an investigation team to conduct a thorough analysis.

Despite the incident, the Taiwanese Air Force still plans to receive 66 Brave Eagle trainers by 2026 to replace the aging AT-3 and U.S.-made F-5 training aircraft.This initiative is a crucial step for Taiwan to enhance its self-defense capabilities and reduce reliance on foreign military equipment.




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