
PeoPo Try Shoot + Taoyuan – The revitalization of Laojie River

2024/06/12 08:31
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PeoPo推 1

Taoyuan session of PeoPo Try Shoot + collaborated with Zhong li Community College to lead citizen journalists in exploring local issues through visual storytelling, broadening community perspectives.

In this PeoPo Try Shoot + event organized by Zhong li Community College, two routes were offered: one focusing on the cultural heritage of Laojie River and the other exploring Zhong-li's wedding culture industry. Once known as Zhong-li's "mother river," Laojie River faced pollution and encroachment in the 1980s. Approximately 725 meters of its stretch were covered with commercial and parking structures, impacting water flow and polluting the river with factory wastewater. Subsequently, initiatives were taken to demolish these structures and restore the river, reviving its former glory. The surrounding pathways have now transformed into popular recreational spots, allowing residents of Zhong-li to rekindle their love for Laojie River.


PeoPo Try拍+桃園場 老街溪整治現生機

PeoPo Try拍+桃園場和中壢社大合作,帶領公民記者踏查在地議題,以影像說故事的方式,用鏡頭報導深入了解,讓公民的視野,有更多擴展的空間。

這次的PeoPo Try拍+活動,在中壢社大的安排下,共有兩條路線,分別為老街溪文化行旅及探訪中壢婚嫁文化產業。老街溪有中壢的母親河之稱,不過到了80年代,政府在其中的一段725公尺左右,加蓋變成商場及停車場,除了影響行水,加上工廠廢水排入河川,讓老街溪污染嚴重,後來決議拆除商場及整治河川,讓老街溪重現往日的風華,兩旁步道變成民眾運動休閒的好地方,讓中壢人重新找回從前那份,喜歡老街溪的感情。



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