
Tainan Train Station subway problems impel pedestrians to traverse busy street

2015/08/10 14:53
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The adjoining roundabout in front of Tainan Train Station is a major thoroughfare in the city, linking four routes connected with the intercity bus terminus and local bus services. Though two underpasses are positioned directly outside the station, very few people use them. Instead, the vast majority of people dangerously attempt to navigate across the busy street, breaking red lights and standing in the middle of the road waiting for an opportunity to cross.

Many people said that using the underpass was not only time-consuming and a stuffy environment with insufficient airflow, but that vagrants also routinely congregated there. Although directly crossing the road saves time, without a pedestrian crossing, it is in fact illegal. 

Only through improving conditions in the underpasses and advocating traffic safety will more people be willing to use the underpass, thereby keeping road traffic accidents involving pedestrians to a minimum. 

Tainan Train Station subway problems impel pedestrians to traverse busy street 



台南火車站地下道問題多 行人穿越馬路與車爭道





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