Jiuhaocha Village diary – Going home 1.1
Jiuhaocha Village, located in Wutai Township, Pingtung County, is a traditional old settlement of the Rukai Tribe. A citizen journalist and some friends took a trip to this old settlement in the mountains. When the car arrived at Xinhaocha Village, it was as though they had never seen the place before, and with the place completely transformed, it was extremely difficult to imagine what the village once looked like when around one hundred families lived there.
The group’s vehicle traversed the rugged valley before suddenly spotting the orange roof of an old church in the distance. Before two years ago, when the church was washed down to its current location, its geographical location marked the highest point in Xinhadcha Village. The rest of the village has already been buried in landslides, with only this orange church roof remaining. Last year half of the church could be seen, this year it is down to around only one third.
The citizen journalist lamented that perhaps when they come again next year, the church will have completely vanished with no trace in sight. The fact that Xinhadcha Village will probably be erased from world maps gives us all a frightening reminder of the awesome power of nature. On the journey through the area, all that could be seen was endless riverbed, leaving it difficult to imagine where the road once carved its way through the mountains.
Jiuhaocha Village diary – Going home 1.1 (by CJ dodobird7788)
PeoPo 公民新聞
舊好茶旅記....回家day1-1 ( 多多鳥 )( dodobird7788)
舊好茶位於屏東縣霧台鄉,是一處早期魯凱族人傳統石版屋聚落,公民記者和朋友回到他們住的山上,當車子到達新好茶村時,若不是以前曾經來過,很難想像這裡 曾經住了幾百戶的部落。車子行走在崎嶇不平的溪谷,遠遠的就見到一棟橘色屋頂的教堂,這座教堂的地理位置曾位於新好茶村最高位置,兩年前來到這裡時,部落 已被土石流掩埋,只剩下一整棟的教堂,還有幾棟被土石掩埋到只剩下屋頂的房舍。去年教堂只剩一半,今年只剩下三分之一,公民記者感嘆或許明年再來,已不見 教堂蹤跡,好茶村也可能從此在世界地圖上消失。看到此景,才知大自然的威力,一路上只見一大片的溪床,沿著溪床走眼前一片茫茫,真不知道路到底在哪裡。