Rescuing Bradley Manning – Huang Bo-shu’s naked appeal
Huang Bo-shu is a 23 years old Taiwanese student who studies in Germany. Last weekend he stripped naked and took to the streets of Taichung to support the cause of unknown American soldier Bradley Manning. While serving as an intelligence analysis officer in Iraq, Bradley Manning witnessed the intolerable massacre of Iraqi citizens by American soldiers. In order to reveal the truth to the world he felt impelled to release the images and related documents to Wikileaks.
For this reason, he was arrested by the U.S. forces in 2010 and charged on 22 counts, including collaboration with the enemy. Although Bradley Manning has already spent one and half years in prison and may face life imprisonment or even death, so far, the authorities have only held a public hearing with no preliminary trial date in sight. A great number of passersby were stopped in their tracks by the appeals of Huang Bo-shu’s naked appeal, and even signed Huang’s body. “To stand up against an unjust system takes great courage…I simply hope to share the injustice of Bradley Manning’s story with the people”, Huang said. Huang Bai-shu dearly hopes that the U.S government will immediately release Bradley Manning or that the U.S President Barack Obama grants Manning a pardon.
Rescuing Bradley Manning – Huang Bo-shu’s naked appeal (by CJ Jerry)
搶救曼寧大兵 黃柏樹裸體聲援 ( 傑利 )
23歲的黃柏樹是一位留德的台灣大學生,上周末他在台中一中街裸體聲援一位素昧平生的美國大兵Bradley Manning。美軍士兵Bradley Manning曾經在伊拉克擔任情報分析工作,因為無法忍受服役期間,親眼目睹多宗美國士兵豪無緣由的屠殺伊拉克平民,於是將相關文件以及影像交給維基解 密(Wikileaks),將實情公諸於世。為此,他在2010年時遭到美軍逮捕,並且被冠上通敵罪等22項罪名。雖然Bradley Manning入獄至今已超過1年半,但美方至今只針對該案舉行過一次公聽會,連初審日期到現在都無法確定,隨時面臨無期徒刑或死刑的威脅。許多民眾被黃 柏樹的訴求吸引駐足,並且在身上簽名響應。黃柏樹說,為了良心選擇作出違抗不公義的體制和大環境,需要很大勇氣,希望能透過街頭的行為,把Bradley Manning的故事再說給大家聽,他希望美國政府能馬上釋放Bradley Manning,更希望美國總統歐巴馬能特赦Bradley Manning。