
One Family - Protecting the Leopard Cat

2017/04/18 14:06
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PeoPo推 1

With less than five hundred leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) remaining in the whole of Taiwan, sixty percent of which live in the intensively populated and farmed county of Miaoli, the animal has been officially placed on a list of endangered species. In a bid to address the situation, Miaoli County Environmental Protection Bureau has entrusted the job of protecting the elusive leopard cat with Miaoli County Society for Wildlife and Nature (苗栗縣自然生態報育學會). Zhusen Community in Tongluo Township, which has spared no effort in protecting the leopard cat, recently raised “One Family - Protecting the Leopard Cat”, a special eco study seminar aimed at elementary school students in the local activity center. 

During the activity, volunteers wore leopard cat costumes and the kids played the role of agile and athletic young leopard cats. After entering the habitat where leopard cats were once photographed; getting familiarized with the forest where they once played and hunted; observing the place where humans and leopard cats lived together; playing games on the land; and enjoying a guided tour of the leopard cat museum, everyone discussed ways in which humans could perhaps live in harmony with the leopard cat. It is hoped that this practical eco activity will help children understand the importance of protecting the leopard cat. Through on-site observation and practical activities like painting the leopard cat’s habitat, the group of forty children from all over Taiwan that participated in the event learned that by protecting the leopard cat’s habitat we are in fact protecting our own living environment and food safety.

One Family - Protecting the Leopard Cat









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