
Building grassroots connections overseas: University students spend summer vacation serving the children of Mongolia

2016/11/15 16:58
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Fu Jen Catholic University Service Learning Center (輔大服務學習中心) facilitated an overseas summer trip for 16 local teachers and students to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Based on a framework of summer camp teams, the program provides local children with courses, hands-on games, and group games to make up for a shortfall in local educational resources. The teams even visit local homes in villages to serve the community.

Fu Jen’s long-established service-learning program, which has been visiting Mongolia for ten years, used to mainly serve children from the Catholic Church of Ulaanbaatar (SPP). In order to increase learning opportunities for students, Fu Jen Catholic University Service Learning Center has built partnerships with a number of organizations and in this last year liaised with the Verbist Care Center (VCC) and Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (TFCF), further strengthening the Mongolian Ulaanbaatar Project. As children from the organizations come from different backgrounds, in the preparation of lesson plans lead students are required to ensure that picture books and activities cater to the needs of all the children. Additionally, the team also helped collect picture books in Taiwan to provide even more educational resources to local communities.

Building grassroots connections overseas: University students spend summer vacation serving the children of Mongolia 



海外服務深耕當地 大學生暑假前進蒙古陪伴孩童






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