
Group of elderly painters form Sunday painting club to share their colorful lives

2016/05/31 15:59
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Ten local artists and art teachers from Yilan formed a Sunday painting club where they could regularly exchange their knowledge and insights about painting. Recently, the group decided to collaborate for a joint exhibition in which their work over the past few years was put on show to present ten different painting styles. The artists hope that the exhibition will inspire more retired people to pick up a brush and begin painting the wonders of this beautiful world.

For this group of senior citizens, painting provides a way to keep in shape and ensure that life has a focus. Members of the painting club, many of who are in their eighties and nineties, gain a great sense of freedom and joy from having a close group of friends to exchange and share their special passion for painting.  

Group of elderly painters form Sunday painting club to share their colorful lives



老畫家組週日畫會 彩繪各自生命歷程





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