
One more book shop - One less prison

2015/09/01 14:16
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PeoPo推 0

Reputed to be Taiwan’s cheapest bookshop, “Ai-Yue (愛閱)”, which literally means “Love to read”, lies in Taipei’s Da’an District. Bookshop owner, Shi Hao-wen (石皓文), painfully recalls how he got into bad company as a boy and was led astray. Three months before Hao-wen was to be released from prison, he received the sad news that his grandfather, who had looked after Hao-wen when he was a boy, had passed away; this made him reflect deeply on life.

Later, due to health problems, Hao-wen became physically disabled and he decided to radically change the direction of his life. In order not to let down his grandfather, Hao-wen dearly wanted to do something meaningful with his life. To this end, he became a volunteer with the charity Tzu Chi, where he had daily contact with books; this provided him with an opportunity to open a second-hand bookstore. Since then, with the hope of helping more people, he has completely transformed his life, volunteering, giving lectures, opening a second-hand bookshop, and establishing a shelter for those with disabilities.

One more book shop - One less prison


多一間書店 少一間監獄






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