
Really Really Free Market 真的真的不用錢市集

2015/01/25 11:41
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HD現場影片  https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1044443562248945

RevNews https://www.facebook.com/RevNews/posts/447139785439589

No money. No trade. Everything is free! 真的不用錢?慷慨是唯一的貨幣!


The Really Really Free Market is a monthly event that is open to anyone and everyone. On the last Sunday of each month, a community is formed in which generosity is the only currency. Bring usable items you no longer need such as books, clothing, old art, kitchen ware, etc, or bring skills, talents, food, music, hugs or whatever else you have to share. Everyone has something, even if it's just a smile. 「真的真的不用錢市集」是一個新型態的活動,將您不再需要、但依然有用的東西帶來,或是盡情分享您的技能、天賦、食物、音樂、擁抱..任何你願意分享的一切。天生我才必有用,即使只是個微笑,慷慨是在這唯一的交易媒介;我們將所有的東西放在樹下,隨和拿走你需要的東西,認識新朋友、聊天。我們非常鼓勵每一位帶來至少一些些東西或是食物跟大家分享,當然如果你沒東西可以帶來也沒關係。很多人會問「真的是免費的嗎?」真的真的免費!


*To ensure many successful RRFMs to come, let's remember to leave the park better than we found it by cleaning up afterwards. 為了孕育未來有更多的「真的真的不用錢市集」,
Where:228 Peace Park 和平公園 Taipei  捷運臺大醫院站1號出口外面草地上


RN https://www.facebook.com/RevNews
佔領台 https://www.facebook.com/occupytaiwan
Sky Lee https://facebook.com/themoslar
ZombieNews https://www.facebook.com/tai1news
FarEastTaiwan https://www.facebook.com/fatwd 


Maryse Dumas 、 Felipe Gómez Montoya 、 Jenny Baker 以及其他 590 人都說讚。
C.C. Arshagra Never forget that currency itself is an idea. The corruption of currency, the manufactured control of supply, and the system of currency as debt, are in essence all criminal and unsustainable. The so-called global elite, and their fuax realities of power over us, are based on these deceptions of all currency and all ideas of money. As soon as countries, or people try anything new, they will do everything with their corrupt currency to destroy the awareness that they are the greatest illusion of all, and have you surrender your imagination and your courage to create a system that is truly fair, and genuinely free, and totally accountable. ~ January 26th, 2015 C.C. Arshagra. 
I hope someone will copy these words, and put them on a sign. And print a stack of small flyers with the words and ask them to do the same. Bring sign and little flyers four to a page. And give them away. Live you my fellow human beings.
收回讚 · 回覆 · 38 · 1月26日 15:13 ·

Glen Sanders Money is just like christianity, both great ideas, Just poorly executed.
收回讚 · 4 · 1月26日 15:36
Kevin C Gibson Lol. This is why I'm a deist.
讚 · 1 · 1月26日 15:52
Brian Allen I'm so sick of hustle for the 1% i want to get out of this System!
讚 · 5 · 1月26日 20:20
Mor Rioghan  well said.
讚 · 1 · 1月26日 22:39
Silky Tangram In Kommunism there is no money...Everyone give what someone can do (work) and get what someone need... But that is only an illusion, at this time... But in GDR (formally eastern Germay, that was our aim...)
Connie Shaghaghi Navid Shaghaghi we could do this at people"s park

Soon Chana we made a version of that, just smaller ...
收回讚 · 回覆 · 5 · 1月26日 18:02
David Rolls Cool
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 1月26日 16:51
Vito Cheng The real communism
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 1月26日 16:16
Beau William Jeffree That's a really awesome idea 
收回讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 1月26日 16:16

Maryse Dumas They have a Free store on #lasqueti island BC Canada
收回讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 1月26日 15:43
David Seminario There's one in Anaheim!
收回讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 1月26日 15:40
Sue Castle Cathy Nicole Sheena Marie Marcia Shumaker What a great idea!
收回讚 · 回覆 · 4 · 1月26日 15:28
Sandy Sanders SF used to have a Really, Really Free Market in the mission...don't know if they are still active... i participated a couple of times and thought it was pretty cool...
收回讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 1月26日 15:22
René Natasha I love!!! 
讚 · 回覆 · 5 · 1月26日 15:04
Maryse Dumas What we need in all nations across the globe !
Glen Sanders If i lived there, i could offer simple English lessons on the fly, As i would love to learn Japanese.

Dana Orkideh There should be days with just free stuff, no money involved!
收回讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 1月26日 22:44 · 已編輯
Atti IstEgal 
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 1月26日 16:17
John Lloyd Cunningham That is a beautiful thing!
收回讚 · 回覆 · 9 · 1月26日 14:53
Rayman Remtola Marion Bernard
讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 1月26日 15:17
Kwame Gyampoh The future
讚 · 回覆 · 20小時
Li Pao Ztu Saewhat Its truly a beautiful place when I visited.
讚 · 回覆 · 23小時

**Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard? - Jon Jandai (Jon is a farmer from northeastern Thailand. He founded the Pun Pun Center for Self-reliance, an organic farm outside Chiang Mai, with his wife Peggy Reents in 2003. Pun Pun doubles as a center for sustainable living and seed production, aiming to bring indigenous and rare seeds back into use. It regularly hosts training on simple techniques to live more sustainably. Outside of Pun Pun, Jon is a leader in bringing the natural building movement to Thailand, appearing as a spokesperson on dozens of publications and TV programs for the past 10 years. He continually strives to find easier ways for people to fulfill their basic needs. For more information visit http://www.punpunthailand.org) :「在當我看到大學裡的課程,和專業、傳授的幾乎都是破壞性的知識,大學裡沒有對我有用的知識。如果你學習建築或者工程專業,意味著你將破壞更多的東西,這些人的工作越繁忙,就有越多的山林被破壞、被水泥覆蓋。如果是類似農業這樣的專業,意味著我們將學習如何下毒,毒害土地和水…我回到家鄉,用過小時候的方式過活

四個基本需求:食物、住房、衣服和藥物,必須足夠便宜,可以讓所有人方便獲得,這才是文明,但是如果你讓人們很難得到這四樣東西,那就是不文明 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21j_OCNLuYg



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