
#228 #二二八 #台灣簡史 #轉型正義

2015/03/02 13:27
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PeoPo推 2


A trend has recently emerged in which statues of Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) are artistically or otherwise enhanced.‪#‎Taiwan‬ ‪#‎二二八‬ 全台裝置藝術"蔣"

Is 228 a Massacre Memorial Day 二二八屠殺紀念日 or a Peace Holiday 二二八和平連假日? Why year after year, the victims’ families slam the govt to address their grievances? Why KMT remains reluctant to tell the public who was responsible for the slaughter? Why Chiang Kai-shek (the head of the govt at the time) is still officially considered a great man, with his statues can be found all over the nation? Why there were decades-long White Terror that saw the execution and imprisonment of thousands of political dissidents?

These are the questions unanswered by the ruling party ‪#‎KMT‬ ‪#‎國民黨‬, Republic of China, since its late President/ Warlord/ Militarist/ Murderer Chiang Kai-shek's authoritarian regime retreated from China civic war, with its white terror policy & martial law brought into Taiwan 70 years ago. To uncover the truth, a series of activities happened over the 228 anniversary (More & more Chiang’s statues across the nation are vandalized with paint or banners with the word “murderer” on them).

#228 Incident refers to an uprising that began on Feb. 27, 1947, against the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) regime and the resulting crackdown that left tens of thousands dead and led to nearly four decades of martial law. 

1. 調查真相、起訴元兇、確定元凶按照國際法律精神與法條受罰
2. 確保獲知真相的權利
3. 賠償
4. 重整參與迫害組織與制度
5. 全國性討論與諮商以促成和解

‪#‎Taiwan‬ Brief History 台灣簡史:

-1895~1945: Japanese colonial period. 日本治台50年。

-1947: KMT (Chinese Nationalist Party) retreated from China civil war to occupy Taiwan & initiated ROC (apart from PROC) with a martial law. Several thousands to hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese were tortured, killed or vanished in 4 decades of White Terror (unidentified for Top Classified). 國民黨自中國內戰被推翻後,以中華民國‬之名撤退/殖民/接管台灣,實行戒嚴專制約半世紀,‪#‎二二八‬ #白色恐怖 時期,被刑求/屠殺/失蹤的民眾難以估計(自數千至數十萬人數因國安理由未能公開)。

-1971: PROC China claimed ROC Taiwan ownership from UN. China regards Taiwan as a rebel region that must be reunited by force if necessary. 聯合國決議一個中國,佔領台灣的中華民國從此喪失國際主權。

-1992: Taiwan & China became "1 country 2 systems" according to China Anti-Secession Law. 國民黨由反共變親共,倡導模稜兩可的 ‪#‎92共識‬ ‪#‎一國兩治‬。

-2000: With the election of President Chen Shui-bian from the opposition Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan changed from One Party Authority into Two Party Dictatorship, as most of the financial & political power still controlled by KMT. 雖有首位民選總統陳水扁,但民進黨並未積極 ‪#‎轉型正義‬,而國民黨仍舊掌握大多數資源,台灣由一黨獨裁‬變成兩黨專政。

-2008: Corruption allegations undermined Mr Chen's popularity and contributed to the DPP's loss to a resurgent KMT. 民進黨爆發貪瀆,執政權回歸國民黨。

-2014: #OccupyCongress (0318~0424) by students, activists, NGOs & pro-Taiwan independent groups united to fight the tyranny China Trade Pacts & the systemic corruption of KMT government, turned into the national Sunflower Movement. 以台北社運圈為中心的反服貿運動,在318佔領立法院後壯大為全島響應的太陽花運動。

-2015: New generation start to use citizen power calling for changes, such as the legislative, constitutional and educational reform. There is no turning back for democracy Taiwan. 新生代受到太陽花運動鼓舞, 公民運動與投入政治開始蔚為風潮。


二二八學生之音  https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1065141233512511 


原民狼煙  https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1064692646890703 







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