
Land and environment disputes erupt over Danjiang Bridge

2014/12/03 14:59
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There have been continual disputes as to whether or not the Danjiang Bridge engineering project in New Taipei City will have an adverse affect on Bali Shihsanhang Ruins or impact the mangroves, environment and ecology of the area. As an important landmark in the Bali area, the historical ruins along the coast from Taipei Harbor (台北港) have been a particular source of dispute. In addition to connecting with Route 64, one end of the bridge on the Bali-Tamsui crossing will be positioned at the site of the ruins, and so Danjiang Bridge is bound to bypass the ruins and Taipei Harbor.  

The controversy over Danjiang Bridge engineering project also includes the selection of bridge design and land acquisition problems, which have yet to be resolved. In particular, residents living along the north coast road, which will require developments to reduce the commuting time between Bali and Tamsui, will undoubtedly be affected. Questions not only remain as to whether Danjiang Bridge will actually be built, and if so, what function it will provide to local residents, but also as to whether the bridge will bring any real benefits; in the end, this judgment must be left to the wisdom of local people to decide. 

Land and environment disputes erupt over Danjiang Bridge 









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