
Korean’s Cheonggyecheon VS Taiwan’s Laojie River

2014/10/28 11:34
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Cheonggyecheon is a river flowing through the heart of downtown Seoul in Korea. A flyover was built over the river during the economic boom and urban development of the 1960s, transforming the river into a culvert – the discharging of wastewater directly into this culvert resulted in extremely poor water quality. In 2003, Seoul Mayor Lee Myung-bak (李明博) became the driving force behind a restoration project, and today, Cheonggyecheon is not only an important recreation spot in downtown Seoul and a major attraction for tourists visiting the city, but also an important point of reference which all Taiwanese agencies engaged in river remediation work should visit. 

After traveling to Korea with a number of students from Taoyuan’s Xinyangping Community College (新楊平社區大學), school principle Tang Chen-rong (唐春榮) said that Laojie River, which is Taoyuan's mother river, has a number of differences from Cheonggyecheon: Cheonggyecheon divides the river water and effluent system into two separate channels – effluent flows along the sides, while the remediated river flows in the center; however, water from Laojie River simply passes through a treatment pond before being directly returned to the river – there is no division of channels. After a recent visit to Korea, it is hoped that officials from all related bodies of the county government will learn from the experience and make Cheonggyecheon a target for the future development of Laojie River. 

Korean’s Cheonggyecheon VS Taiwan’s Laojie River 

韓國清溪川 VS 台灣老街溪






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