
Southern rail regeneration menace – forced evictions unjust

2014/04/15 10:41
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On April 9, Tainan underground railway held a second Eastern District public meeting. However, an announcement to adjourn the meeting after only 15 minutes by Urban Renewal Bureau Chief, Wu Xin-xiu (吳欣修), was met with strong disapproval  from the participating self-help group. Students jumped on top of Wu Xin-xiu’s car to stop him from leaving. Meanwhile, Tainan City Government Secretary-General Xiao Bo-ren (蕭博仁) was forced to flee the scene and take shelter in a local police station.

Families facing the prospect of having homes demolished and being forcibly relocated sent a clear message that the public hearing had been an unproductive failure – they demand that the process is immediately stopped. Following the abrupt ending of the public hearing, the representative for eviction of residents along the rail line also disappeared, leaving no more opportunities for dialogue. A representative of the self-help group said the unfairness of the briefing procedures brought its legality into question, and re-emphasized the importance of the city raising a legislative hearing to quell any controversy.


Southern rail regeneration menace – forced evictions unjust




南鐵都更程序暴力 東移迫遷戶不平






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