
Pu Ding Elementary School ‘Happy Rice’ – Uniting the community and school

2014/03/07 13:52
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PeoPo推 0

At Pu Ding Elembentary School in Xinwu Township, Taoyuan County, teachers and students combined account for less than 200 people. Just five years ago, the school faced the dilemma of insufficient enrollment. At a previous school celebration event where local farmers held competitions, Liu Yun-jie, the school principle at the time, had the idea of fusing together the local agriculture of rice growing and the school’s environmental education syllabus. Long-time local organic rice farmer Huang De-gui (黃德桂) and farm owner Chen Jing-you (陳景幼), assisted the school in designing and promoting the children’s rice growing activities.  

In response to the event’s wonderful success in the first year, the school decided to make it an annual affair. The activity became a part of the school syllabus and a partnership deal was struck with a 50-year-old local rice mill. The students’ annual harvest nets them around 1000 Taiwanese catties (0.6 Kg) of brown rice, which is packaged and sold in 0.6 Kg bags; profit from the rice is used to subsidize school meals for children from disadvantaged families. Designed by the school’s students, the packaging depicts the whole rice-growing process, from planting the rice seedlings to harvesting. Wishing everyone health and happiness, the children thought up the apt brand name, ‘Happy Rice.”



Pu Ding Elementary School ‘Happy Rice’ – Uniting the community and school

埔頂國小「有樂米」 凝聚社區與學校






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