
Youth return home to develop Zhushan’s character

2019/10/05 15:34
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PeoPo推 0

Just over 20 years ago, Nantou’s Zhushan was devastated in the 921 Earthquake. In recent years, young people returning home have developed the cultural and creative industries and injected lots of positive energy back into the town.


Following the closure of the local bus station, young people transformed the old building, creating an ice-cream parlor and space for local organic farmers to sell their produce on the first floor, and a restaurant exquisitely decorated in woven bamboo on the second floor.


In addition to the newly revamped bus station, the town of Zhushan boasts a blacksmith and hotel with over a hundred years of history, not to mention a level-three listed Mazu Temple, which thanks to the help of local residents are beginning to find their feet again. The fact that Zhushan’s old and new cultures have come together shows the strength of group cohesion and camaraderie of local people following the earthquake.





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