
Migrant workers rally in Taipei for justice and dignity

2015/12/23 09:16
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On December 13 amid the bustling Sunday crowds, immigrant workers from all over Southeast Asia gathered in Taipei Main Station’s main hall for a biennial migrant workers rally. At the event, in addition to English and Chinese, migrant workers used the four languages of Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai and Filipino to express their demands. According to statistics from the Executive Yuan’s Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, by the end of July this year, migrant workers will already have exceeded 580,000, which is the equivalent of 5 percent of Taiwan's total labor force – the salary of migrant workers usually falls between 15000-17000 NTD.

Migrant workers in the manufacturing industry exceed those working in social welfare, but they are not given a reasonable pay for working overtime on weekends. Foreign workers in social welfare include family caregivers as well as domestic workers. The period that migrant workers in the social welfare field can stay in Taiwan has gradually increased from 3 years at the outset, to 12 years currently. In the face of an aging society, the government of Taiwan does not seem properly prepared for the long-term care of its population, but of course is willing to let foreign workers fill the gap in the interim period.

However, a lack of protection of their working environment, such as excessive overtime work and no private space, leaves migrant workers in an exhausted state of mind, which in turn affects their quality of work. Those shouting slogans to retrieve basic human rights were not doing so just for themselves, but for all migrant workers who face unreasonable working conditions and are unable to take a vacation.

Migrant workers rally in Taipei for justice and dignity 



移工大遊行台北登場 盼照顧正義與勞動尊嚴






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