
Defending hunting culture – Indigenous tribe petition police

2015/11/20 10:57
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On the afternoon of November 7, a large number of indigenous people headed by the Truku tribe gathered outside Hualien County Police Bureau for the “Defend the Dignity of the Hunter – Return our Hunting Culture” demonstration. Protesters delivered a petition to the police and the chairman of Dowmung tribe performed a symbolic “Headhunting Ceremony”, demonstrating the tribe’s determination to protect their hunting grounds. 

In October, 4 members of the Truku tribe were questioned and then arrested by police officers from Tongmen checkpoint for hunting during the Mgay Bari festival. Local indigenous people were enraged by the incident and are demanding that their hunting culture is respected. The incident has also raised concerns amongst indigenous human rights groups and scholars. The protestors insist the police arrests infringe indigenous hunting rights and have laid out a list of demands: 1. Respect Truku hunting culture, implement The Indigenous Peoples Basic Law and Two Rights' Covenants, and immediately draw up a hunting law; 2. Remove mountain checkpoints and punish police officers responsible for illegal questioning.

Defending hunting culture – Indigenous tribe petition police 


捍衛狩獵文化 原住民族人向警方陳情

11月7日上午 ,以太魯閣族人為首,在花蓮縣警察局前發起『捍衛獵人尊嚴、還我狩獵文化』集會活動,多位族人到場舉出白布條抗議,並向警方遞出陳情書。銅門部落主席也以象徵性的"出草"儀式,表達族人守護獵場的決心。



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