
You are my eyes – Running without barriers

2015/10/27 13:51
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Blind from birth, female junior high school student, Chen Yi-Yun (陳椘芸), wanted to take up the challenge of a visually impaired road race. During the process of building team rapport with her running partners and the intense training schedule, she used optimism and courage to overcome difficulties. Though she stopped once during the 5km road challenge, she eventually found the inner grit and pushed on to the finish line. 

Chen Yi-Yun, who has taken on the responsibility of becoming a seed for the development of Tanan’s visually impaired running scene, deeply moved her training partners Qiu Nian-ci (邱念慈) and Yan Jia-ling (顏嘉玲) during the training process. With the help of a short piece of rope to bind the runners together in fellowship, Qiu Nian-ci and Yan Jia-ling were made to realize that rather than obstacles, defects can be a driving force forward in life. Though God closed the proverbial window of Chen Yi-Yun’s soul, her indomitable perseverance has helped open another door. 

You are my eyes – Running without barriers 


你是我的眼 路跑無障礙






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