
Painted murals leave public gasping with amazement

2014/10/08 09:39
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PeoPo推 0

In the absence of any kind of painting background, in May 2014, residents of Xingang Township in Chiayi began a comprehensive makeover of their local village Beilun. In a short period of only 3 months, through the encouragement of painting activities, the village has already amassed dozens of murals and has now become known as ‘Frog Mural Village.’ The village’s growing reputation has been attracting countless tourists, which averages around 200 on weekdays, and in excess of 1,000 on weekends. 

Director-General of Beilun Village Development Association, Wang Guo-Zheng (王國正) and Beilun Village Mayor, Chen Su-Qing (陳素卿) stated that the idea for the village mural project was in direct response to a serious population outflow. With around half of the village houses lying empty and the place looking rather abandoned, a decision was made to embark on a project that would brighten up the environment and enliven the village community through enlisting the help of the community’s grandpas and grandmas as volunteers.

Even though it was the first time that most of the elderly volunteers had picked up a paintbrush, they quickly developed a keen interest and now painting seems to have taken over from gardening – it is not uncommon to see them working hard under the blistering heat of the midday sun. Many of painting volunteers – which number dozens – are already in their 60s, 70s and 80s. 


Painted murals leave public gasping with amazement 



嘆為觀止的彩繪潛力 影音






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