
2019 Black Friday

2019/12/17 07:00
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PeoPo推 6

緣由:報導「2019 Black Friday」


地點:新北市 板橋

音樂:創用 CC by 世界音樂鋼琴 Beautiful Piano Music





Hello, I am J. J. 哈囉 我是 董家鈞

today we have very special event 今天我們有一個特別的活動

we call it Black Friday 我們稱為 黑色星期五

this event started from more than thirty years ago 這個活動 已有三十年歷史了

Professor Hon in Taiwan He introduced us 是台大洪(如江)教授 介紹給我們

this kind of event in U. K. 這個在英國的活動

so engineering geologist in Taiwan 所以 台灣的地質工程師

will get together and interchange some ideas 會在這一天 聚會交換意見

or only for chat or relax enjoy life 或者只是 聊天 享受生活

to have beer to chat 喝啤酒 聊天

cheers 乾杯


the first  one, there was a conference geotecnical safty on risk

首先是 我參加一個地工安全風險性的研討會

and than that conference was finished today 這研討會 今天結束

but we also starts this project in Central University 我有參與 中央大學的研究計畫

and I  am projected what I am involved in the project 參與 研究計畫


so we are going to discusss project on Sunday and Monday 我們會在星期天及星期一討論這個計畫

this is very very good traditional having get together 這是很好的聚會傳統

everyone was wild and everybody work together become friend 每個人來這邊 一起工作 成為好朋友

it's very important for good work environment 對好的工作環境 這很重要


I was invited by Professor Dong Jia-jyun who is my friend 是我的好朋友 董家鈞 教授 邀請我來的

this is my second time in Taiwan 這是我第二次來台灣

I just arrived today few hours ago to Taoyuan Airport 我今天幾小時前 才來到桃園機場

because I was involved a project in National Central University in Zhongli city 因為我參與中壢市 中央大學的一個研究計畫

I am  very happy to be home and everytime I am in Taiwan 每次在台灣 就好像在家一樣

I realy like the hospitality of Taiwan people 我喜歡台灣人民的接待

this is a example of  hospitality  I feel like at home 讓我有在家的感覺

so this kind of  hospitality friending that is why I am happy 這樣的招待 讓我很快樂




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