為呼應聯合國永續發展目標,國合會以能力建構為前提,結合臺灣高等教育、技職教育、職業訓練及各式技術資源,傳承臺灣比較優勢與經驗,多年來已為太平洋友邦及夥伴國家長期發展培養無數專業人才。國合會期盼學員們未來能在職場上活用學習的知識與技術,將所學回饋母國,也為自己開創嶄新的人生。 In line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the TaiwanICDF uses capacity building as the basis and combines Taiwan’s higher education, technical education, vocational training and other resources at its disposal to pass on Taiwan’s comparative advantages and experience. Over the years, the TaiwanICDF has cultivated numerous skilled talents for allied and partner countries. We hope that the trainees from the Pacific partner countries will put the skills they’ve learned in Taiwan to good use to assist the development of their home countries, marching together with Taiwan towards a brighter future. 計畫連結:http://www.icdf.org.tw/ct.asp?xItem=4...