
Parent-child walks around the city

2016/11/02 13:53
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On October 16, Tainan Community University (台南社大) held a parent-child flora walking tour of the city starting at Zhonghua West Road and ending at Beiji Temple (北極殿). Lecturer at the community university Lin Xuan-han (林軒漢) led the tour, helping parents and children have fun while identifying local flora and enjoying the city’s beauty.

Some children clutched plant seeds, some ran in the grass, and some touched the bark of trees with great curiosity, the kind of lively and energetic behavior we rarely see today. Lecturer Lin Xuan-han said the reason he wanted to open this interactive parent-child course was a combination of his own passion for plants together with the hope that children have an option beyond mere books and electronic products.
In today's society, the world has been snatched away from children through several layers of glass – mobile phones, tablets, computers and television; such an experience can only provide a limited knowledge of plants. Tainan’s parent-child flora walking tours return to simple parent-child interactions, dispensing with class grades and yelling teachers, and instead foster an endless stream of laughter.

Parent-child walks around the city 


親子植物走 漫步府城遊






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