

2015/04/21 18:06
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PeoPo推 6



新聞翻譯:Amy Yang

Back pain and hand numbness: don’t ignore the symptoms


This is the story of a patient in Eastern Taiwan who was successfully treated for spinal cord compression syndrome caused by spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma. The patient came back to the hospital with flowers to thank her doctor. According to her neurosurgeon Dr. Zhengzhi Liao, this disease is extremely rare and you are 2000 times more likely to get cancer, which affects 268.7 out of 100,000 people. Although the chances of getting this disease is very low, care should still be taken.



Hospitalized for a sudden tearing pain in the neck


This January while Ms. Zhang was having dinner, she suddenly felt a tearing pain in her neck which was followed an hour later by numbness in her limbs. Two hours later when weakness in her upper limbs prevented her left hand from picking up the bowl to finish her dinner, she was sent to the emergency room at Mennonite Christian Hospital for treatment. It was discovered that there was extensive epidural hemorrhage within her cervical spine combined with spinal cord compression. The hospital’s emergency staff immediately consulted with a neurosurgeon who performed an emergency surgery. The surgery was a success, and Ms. Zhang later returned to the hospital with flowers to thank the attending
physician Dr. Liao for saving her life.



High risk from variability in abnormal spinal bleeding


Qiangliang Wu, superintendent of Mennonite Christian Hospital, said: “most cases that we see in the emergency room are myocardial infarctions and strokes; in the field of neurology, there are also emergency cases that involve the spine. Today’s rare case is a message to the locals in Eastern Taiwan that if changes in the spine are treated immediately, it will make a big difference in terms of recovery.” As for the neurosurgeon Dr. Zhengzhi Liao, hehumbly thanked Ms. Zhang for her faith in his team and for giving him the opportunity to offer timely treatment based on his past professional training. Dr. Liao said: “Ms. Zhang’s disease is extremely rare and I have personally handled seven cases. When I served at Chang Gung Hospital, I learned about it from the 50 or so cases from two international papers in the database.”



Dr. Liao said: “Ms. Zhang’s disease is extremely rare and I have personally handled seven cases. When I served at Chang Gung Hospital, I learned about it from the 50 or so cases from two international papers in the database.”


It may happen even with no medical history


Due to the rarity of this disease, there is a lack of public awareness and news reports. In Ms. Zhang’s case, her spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma was caused by a blood clot that compressed her nerves and affected feeling in her limbs. Her symptoms included a sudden tearing pain in her neck which gradually led to weakness in all four limbs. This quickly escalated into an inability to hold onto her bowl, her chopsticks, numbness in both hands, and finally to loss of feeling in her lower body. Thankfully, the emergency room doctor at Mennonite Christian Hospital was experienced and suspected spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma to be the problem. According to Dr. Liao, the patient was healthy with no prior medical history, not even high blood pressure or diabetes. Because the numbness had spread over a large area, surgery was immediately arranged, and the patient regained feeling in her limbs in less than eight hours after the surgery, and was able to walk about 24 hours later. The surgery was performed by removing a section of the first cervical vertebrae to remove the clot outside the spinal epidural. The extent of the surgery was from the third cervical vertebrae to the first thoracic vertebrae. As the duration of the surgery was not long and performed within the golden period, Ms. Zhang recovered extremely well.



Sample photo: the left photo shows a normal cervical vertebrae; the four photos on the right show nerves in the spine being compressed by blood clots (especially on the 5th and 6th columns).


The patient Ms. Zhang is 64 this year, and she is very thankful to Dr. Liao for saving her life. She recalled that on the day, she was able to walk into the emergency room, but not long after gradually lost the feeling in her limbs. She felt very scared at the time, and even yelled at her husband for wanting to give her a massage. It was a frightening experience as she did not know what was causing the symptoms. She said that she was quickly rolled into surgery while still feeling afraid, but when she woke up, she was surprised that she was able to move her arms and legs again! She and her husband repeatedly thanked superintendent Wu and Dr. Liao, and said that she still had to take care of an elderly couple at home; if she did not get better, it would have been a nightmare for the entire family. Ms. Zhang went home to recuperate not long after the surgery and physiotherapy was not needed. Life has returned back to normal. She continuously emphasized: “Dr. Liao saved my life!”



After an emergency evaluation of Ms. Zhang’s condition, vertebral arch removal surgery was immediately performed; it was a race against time to clear the blood clot from her spine to reduce the likelihood of sustained disability to the patient from spinal damage.



Ms. Zhang’s daily routine is now back to normal. She is grateful to her doctor for making a correct judgement in such a short period of time to avoid the possible risk of paralysis.


Don’t ignore acute neck pains with unknown cause


According to Dr. Liao, Ms. Zhang’s disease was not caused by trauma; the exact reason is still unknown. It is more likely to be caused by a sudden change in pressure in the chest and abdominal cavity as sneezing or coughing can cause capillaries to burst, but chances are 0.1 out of 100,000 people. You are 2,000 times more likely to get cancer which affects 268.7 out of 100,000 people. As chances of getting spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma is extremely low, it is unnecessary to be especially worried. However, Dr. Liao also said that not treating the symptoms within 12 hours may lead to paralysis for life. He advised the importance of seeking medical attention if there is any soreness or numbness in the neck, spine, or waist. If a disease is caught early on, it can be quickly and effectively treated before it leads to a medical emergency.



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