
社群媒體資訊匯流平台 Social Media Info Convergence Platform

2014/05/26 23:24
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#TaiwanLeaks No.2: 社群媒體資訊匯流平台


From:新北市警局(New Taipei City Police Department) 
To: PRs, Inspectors, Info-Centers, CIDs...
Where: New Taipei City Hall Computer Training Room(4th FL)
Subject: 社群媒體資訊匯流平台(Social Media Info Convergence Platform)

Right after 保二總隊(Special Police 2nd Headquarter) established their 網軍(Internet Army) to watch over the social media on April 30, 2014. Later on May 5, 2014 新北市警局(New Taipei City Police Department) also set up a 社群媒體資訊匯流平台(Social Media Info Convergence Platform) and asking all their staff concerned prepare to be trained in terms, so they can operate on 社群媒體資訊匯流平台(Social Media Info Convergence Platform) to use "some" keywords, hold on to "some" mainstream media opinions, & moderate it in due course, especially on "some" public gathering occasion. Thus, 2 or 3 officials from every units under New Taipei City Police Department must take turns to join this educational training program.

繼保二總隊發出「成立網軍監控輿情」公文(*)要求所屬監控網路反核、反服貿等言論,引發外界譁然後,新北市警局也要求員警透過「社群媒體資訊匯流平台」,利用搜尋關鍵字適時「調整輿情」的處理方式,還傳授操作方法,不少基層員警不滿說:「警察變得像監控言論的特務一樣」!與會人士透露,該系統除能掌握台大批踢踢實業坊、 Mobile01等大型論壇上的資訊,甚至臉書或推特上的發言只要未設定觀看權限,也通通能找到。據了解,該系統今年初由新北市警局發包給廠商開發,輸入關鍵字每小時均會自動整理出相關輿情;在上述訓練會議上,先讓相關業務承辦人初步熟悉,之後將大規模進行推動教學。

#按國際公約: 只有獨裁、專制國家才會妨礙新聞自由、不讓人民知道真相。因此公民人人有責據此譴責國家暴力,要求政府保障各種不同言論的自由傳達。

Update: 目前瀏覽率65,472人(請來留言分享按佔:)


#TaiwanLeaks No.2: Social Media Info Convergence Platform
社群媒體資訊匯流平台 www.peopo.org/news/243777
#TaiwanLeaks No.1: Internet Army 
輿情系統 www.peopo.org/news/241533 

歡迎轉載分享 媒體聯播Media Broadcast: 
-Revolution News: www.facebook.com/RevNews
-公民新聞: https://www.peopo.org/occupytaiwan
720P HD高畫質版: www.youtube.com/user/themoslar

BTW: leaks fr Snowden




#TaiwanLeaks No.1: Internet Army of Special Police 2nd Headquarter


*網路上流傳一份警政署的公文,內容寫著有關「輿情系統」分工監看事宜,公文上內文包括:「第一大隊負責監看與核三廠有關的反核消息,第二大隊負責監看與核一、二、四廠有關的反核消息,第三大隊負責監看反瘋車自救會、反服貿的消息 負責監看人員因主動積極,先期發掘重大危安預警,即時通報提供防處,有效化解、防範危害及治安事件發生者,個案簽報敘獎。」公文裡載明:「任務-聚眾活動進行時:立即召集網軍編組人員集合作業,利用智慧型手機或電腦等上網路與社群網站(包含臉書、部落格、討論區)等搜尋,如有對本總隊不實、不利之報導或PO文,應立即澄清、說明、反制、避免不實、不利報導激怒民眾,導致抗議民眾激增,陳抗活動事態擴大。」


An anonymous internet user posted photographs of what is claimed to be documents from SPSH(Special Police Second Headquarters), giving instructions for police units to operate the “Internet army” (網軍) to monitor Taiwan citizens online postings against nuclear power, the cross-strait service trade pact and wind turbines has drawn public criticism that the government is trying to bring back martial law, which lasted from 1949 to 1987 Taiwan. The documents instruct the police into separate squads. The first and second squads would be responsible for monitoring anti-nuclear sentiment, while the third squad would focus on anti-trade pact and anti-wind turbine dissent.

Squad members were instructed to immediately report anything they found suspicious, adding that with such reports they could earn themselves merit points, but also stated “punitive measures to be discussed” if they let any information slip by.The documents said the “Internet army” (網軍) should try to ‘neutralize’ any negative comments about police actions at various protests on social web sites and platforms. As an example, one cited an internet user’s post complaining of being injured by police, saying that these types of postings should be met with comments that the injuries “seemed to be abrasions and were not caused by batons,” or “Could it be an old wound?”.

On PTT(Professional Technology Temple-the nation’s largest academic online bulletin board) at least 10 people were discussing the documents, with most expressing shock at the police tactics. User “ayaerika” said the police were attempting to assume control of the media and falsify ideals held by Taiwan’s citizens. 

A user named “azsky” said the police actions were reminiscent of the Ming Dynasty’s dong chang (東廠) and jinyiwei (錦衣衛) intelligence units. The jinyiwei served as the emperor’s personal guard, monitoring members of the royal family and court officials. The dong chang spied on court officials, the gentry, academics and the army. There were also claims that people were offering to buy PTT accounts so that they could comment on the “gossip” forums on Internet purchasing platforms, adding that it may be a large-scale movement by the government to manipulate debates on the PTT’s forums.

#按國際公約: 只有獨裁、專制國家才會妨礙新聞自由、不讓人民知道真相。因此公民人人有責據此譴責國家暴力,要求政府保障各種不同言論的自由傳達。



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