民眾聲討馬的利委 #OccupyCongress Day20: Condemn Ma's Legislators Along the Street
3000 strong of people assembly by the Taiwanese temple.
They eh got the upper hands, as always!
From sky's point of view!
See us! Hear us!! Feel us!!!
Youngblood of Taiwan!
Time like this, we stand together!
Something not not right when your grandma gone wild!
People even made their own placards to support the parade.
Sunflower movement starting from the kids.
2pm Sunday@April 6th, OccupyCongress activists instantly called on the public to join their movement of removing any KMT lawmakers who blindly follow president Ma’s orders instead of listening to public opinion. This is their 3rd act, & this time they target on KMT Legislators whose constituency is in Chongho, on the electorate to exert pressure on 2 of KMT's legislators, and ask them to listen to the people instead of Ma, who doubles as KMT chairman.
Shouting “Reject Ma’s will and respect the people’s will!” “Legislators come out and face your people!” and “Remove Ma's lawmakers!”. About 300 Sunflower movement protesters and 5,000 local people gathered at the Chongho Park No.4 in New Taipei City to express their opposition to the cross-strait service trade agreement and the legislators who support the back room deal. They then marched through the downtown streets to a local Taiwanese Temple to deliver short speeches & their declaration.
歡迎轉載分享 媒體聯播Media Broadcast:
-PeoPo公民新聞: https://www.peopo.org/occupytaiwan
-GLOBAL OCCUPY MEDIA: http://globalrevolution.tv
-Revolution News: www.facebook.com/RevNews
-YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/themoslar
-佔領台: https://www.facebook.com/occupytaiwan
Video report in english, Occupy Taiwan 2b continued_sky lee
720P HD高畫質版: utube