
(Mario Tama/Getty Images)
川普政府自上任以來,對氣候變遷議題持保留態度,包括退出《巴黎協定》並凍結相關資金。近期,國防部長皮特·赫塞斯(Pete Hegseth)指示五角大廈尋找削減500億美元預算的方法,以資助川普總統的軍事優先事項。這些優先事項包括減少官僚主義,取消與氣候變遷、多元性、公平性和包容性(DEI)相關的計劃。
English Translation
GOP Lawmakers Propose Cutting Climate Change Funding in Defense Budget
Recently, Republican lawmakers in Congress have proposed that the Department of Defense (DoD) reduce budget allocations for climate change initiatives, redirecting funds to other priorities. These suggestions align with the Trump administration’s stance of minimizing focus on climate change to concentrate on traditional defense needs.
Since taking office, the Trump administration has maintained a reserved attitude toward climate change issues, including withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and freezing related funding. Recently, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth directed the Pentagon to identify $50 billion in budget cuts to fund President Trump’s military priorities. These priorities include reducing bureaucracy and eliminating programs related to climate change and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
Specific Cut Proposals
According to a 181-page document from the congressional appropriations committees, there is a recommendation to cut a total of $377.35 million from climate change-related programs and reallocate these funds elsewhere. The Army’s research, development, test, and evaluation budget would be most affected, particularly projects related to hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) development. Specifically, the proposals include eliminating $100.25 million for the Light Tactical Wheeled Vehicles HEV prototype program, $38 million for other emerging technology HEV prototype initiatives, and $27 million for the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle HEV variant prototype program.
Democratic Response
Democratic lawmakers have strongly opposed these proposals, criticizing the decision to cancel climate change studies and arguing that it overlooks climate-related threats that could jeopardize national security. They highlight recent climate events, such as floods and storms, which have caused financial and operational damages to military bases, and emphasize the role of National Guard and military personnel in disaster recovery efforts.
Future Outlook
The DoD is currently preparing its fiscal year 2026 budget request amid administrative transitions. The proposal to cut climate change-related funding is expected to spark intense debate in Congress, particularly regarding how to balance resource allocation between traditional defense needs and emerging non-traditional threats like climate change.