
NTU Nepalese foreign student Manju demonstrates making delicious and nutritious rice snacks Yomari

2023/04/07 16:29
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Manju Maharjan, a foreign student from Kathmandu, Nepal.at National Taiwan University, said

On the second full moon in December every year in Nepal

They make Yomari with glutinous rice/brown sugar/black sesame

After eating, the body will be strong and resist the cold current.

Also, celebrating the rice harvest.


Photo: Yohoo

Yomari for Birthday Celebration without Brown Sugar Sesame Filling



The kid wears scutch grass, a kind of Scutch Grass

Complete decoration ready for sale

She also said yomari is sacred food,not ordinary dumpling.

Nepalese children 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 will sew Yomari on the garland every second birthday celebration as a blessing (after the age of 14 means they have grown up)

It is celebrated every even year starting from age 2 to 12.

Yomari is taken as the symbol of knowledge and energy.

Inside Yomari, 5 unbroken rice is kept to represent the knowledge received from 5 senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste).

>5 unbroken rice is kept to represent the knowledge received from 5 senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste).

In many oriental countries, rice plays an important role in sacrifices or blessings.

Modern people, the sources of knowledge are mostly from schools or books or websites, and they use "eyes" more, lacking sense of hearing/smell/touch/taste  from nature

Nepal traditionally puts rice into Yomari to bless the development of children's five senses, which is worth learning.


Manju taught me to do yomari once.

Then I did it again myself, looks stiff.

Not as smart and cute as her made one.

So 4/1 everyone after transplanting rice seedlings in Yangmingshan

Ask her to demonstrate again

Yomari requires more use of the small muscles of the palm and fingers than making glutinous rice balls

1. First, rub the glutinous rice with warm boiling water into a non-sticky ball (use fresh glutinous rice will taste better)

2. Rub your palms together to form a long strip with a pointed end

3. Turn the other end and dig a hole with your thumb

4. Add a tablespoon of adjusted brown sugar and black sesame

5. Close yomari with your right hand

6. Use your fingers to pinch two cute little corners on the top to represent the half moon shape

7. The finished product looks like a fish on one side and a half moon on the other

Eat from the end like fish tail, less stuffing will come out.

Manju said that Nepal is mainly made by women, and her dad will also do it.

It is difficult to translate the lyrics into English but the main theme of the song is inviting friends to go to ask for Yomari in the Neighborhood.

In some families, the children will sing the song Yomari Punhi together and go to the neighbor’s house to ask for Yomari snacks

Neighbors are also happy to share with the children.



Thanks to Manju, who has farming experience in his hometown, for helping a lot.

She said the terraced fields in Nepal are not plagued by apple snails.

Manually transplant only 3 seedlings at a time.





Manju is very good at teaching.

Friends who transplanted rice seedlings made lively, cute and delicious Yomari.

And it's more fun than making glutinous rice balls.

It’s worthy of promotion.


The students from the Department of Horticulture of National Taiwan University who participated together went to the outdoors to release the seeds of Baiji (a kind of orchid)

His palms are a little broken.

Thank him for still going to the field to help / wash vegetables / wash dishes.

He said:

When I was in junior high school, I saw wild ginger flowers on campus. I thought they were beautiful. I liked plants so much, and started looking for plant illustrations.

Today's activity is my first time to go to the field barefoot

You can see many wild flowers/insects/nature/

It's fun to eat a lot of vegetables and rice

I learn cooking from youtube, but I don’t know how to make zongzi. I can only invite foreigners to eat traditional Chinese rice food. I saw that Manju can promote traditional Nepalese rice food and culture to Taiwanese. I should also strengthen my learning of local culture.






In the video, a steamer can make wine.

Another rice dish is used in Tihar festival.

5 days Tihar



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