
Insects eat everything & 蟲不吃的可能被噴過藥

2023/03/28 08:45
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>Insects eat everything
<<Pest Detective Event Book: 50 Years of Pest Control Experts How to Detect Pest Crisis in Food>>, auther is Yusei Hyoudou

The book mentions that Valentine's Day chocolate has the Indian meal moth, commonly known as "flour moth", which is a pest commonly distributed in grain storage warehouses all over the world, so it is not the chief culprit that harms grains, it is its larvae that actually eat and pollute grains. Adult worms only drink water and lay eggs everywhere, usually by spraying pesticides and eradicating breeding sources.
Other food pests eat cocoa beans, grains, dried fruit, tobacco, flour or all types of flour, corn, pasta, dried shiitake mushrooms, wine corks, rodenticides mixed with bread flour, even gnaw eco-friendly ballet insoles made from livestock feed bran.

The author said that the reason why dry food grows worms proves that the product has not been soaked in medicine. When he was a child, he often saw corn elephants in the rice grains. It will not be poisoned if cooked with rice, and it is not a medium for spreading diseases. However, modern people only think that it looks disgusting and fear to spray the ingredients pesticides to prevent insects. He sincerely thanks those insects for being his "money bugs".

<<害蟲偵探事件簿: 50年防蟲專家如何偵破食品中的蟲蟲危機>>



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