櫻花樹 自然生態碳儲存效益~Cherry Trees' Natural Ecological Benefits
氣候變遷全球暖化對生態環境生物多樣性的衝擊 ~公民記者 Jinny的視鏡 環境教育宣導系列
櫻花樹 自然生態碳儲存效益~
Cherry Trees' Natural Ecological Benefits to Climate Change
拍攝於 台北市 自由廣場櫻花樹
Photos taken by Jinny Shih at Liberty Square in Taipei, Taiwan
櫻花樹如何幫助應對氣候變化 How Cherry Trees Can Help Fight Climate Change
根據林務局的研究資料:地球上每多一棵樹,一年就可以減少12公斤的二氧化碳,如果全臺灣2300萬的民眾, 每人都種一棵樹,預計一年可減少2.7億公斤 的二氧化碳。
According to the Forestry Bureau: Every additional tree on the earth can reduce carbon dioxide by 12 kilograms a year, and if each of Taiwan's 23 million people planted a tree, it is expected to reduce 270 million kilograms of carbon dioxide a year.
Cherry blossoms Season is on the way, such pinky romantic colours just so pleasant. The Japanese word for cherry blossom, “sakura” also means “smile”, but it can be a smile touched with sadness, because such exquisite beauty cannot last. A Cherry blossoms’ life is short. But cherry trees are lifelong. There are five cherry trees in Japan that are celebrated as national treasures, the youngest of which is 800 years old, and the oldest of which is believed to be more than 2,000 years old.
樹木與花草都是減碳功臣 Plants are Beneficial to Carbon Reduction
種樹是氣候變遷中最有效益的碳匯能力。 種植櫻花樹不但可以觀賞,並且是生態環境,可以用來應對氣候變遷,具有減緩極端氣候之溫室氣體的能力。
Cherry trees could be used to combat climate change, with the ability to offset greenhouse gases. Planting trees is the most effective Carbon Sink in Climate Change, and, it is certain that planting cherry trees is not only ornamental when it blossom, but also indeed ecological environment, that can be used to cope with climate change, and has the ability to mitigate greenhouse gases from extreme climate.
Let's care about the ecological impact of Climate Change ,and, jointly maintain a sustainable living environments that is closely related to everyone of us, on the Earth.