望龍埤 豐富生物多樣性~落羽松 野鴨 湖光山色
宜蘭員山 望龍埤~豐富生物多樣性~落羽松 野鴨 湖光山色
Lake Wanglongpi is rich in biodiversity ~ Fantastic scenery of lake and mountains
"Wanglong" Eco-Pond is located in Yuangshan Township, Yilan County
數百年前由於地形山洪爆發 土石沖刷
Since hundreds of years ago cause of the terrain flash floods and landslides
在大礁溪山麓 自然形成的湖泊
At the Great Reef Creek-Da Jiaoshi, it naturally become a lake
湖水水位 隨著雨水水量升降
The water level of the lake rises and falls with the amount of rain,
Therefore the lake is closely related to everyday living of the local community
地方耆老 以「風從虎 雲從龍」的古代諺語
As old saying of elderly that "wind from tiger" and "cloud from dragon"
The lake is named "Wanglong" in Chinese pronunciations “Overlooking the Dragon”
祈求 雲雨滋生 造福蒼生
Meaning that pray for clouds and rain to breed for blessing of the people’s wellbeing
生物多樣性豐富的望龍埤 野鴨水鳥在湖中悠然自得
Rich in biodiversity that wild ducks and waterfowl are leisurely in the lake
Romantic Bald Cypress are turning burgundy red at this time
Alongside of the Lake those tall Bald Cypress
倒映在水面上 湖光風景美不勝收
that reflected on water, absolutely beautiful.
散步在湖畔 簡直心曠神怡
Walking alongside the Lake is simply refreshing
宜蘭 員山鄉 枕山村 Jinny的視鏡