
happiness forever~Mukul Kumar 's weddind ~NTU student from India

2023/02/22 09:20
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Mukul Kumar is a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University. 

Jyoti priya and Mukul Kumar 2023.1 wedding flim~ happiness forever!!!

Like the hero and heroine of Indian movies.

His wife graduated from India MBA in IT ( Information Technology) . She worked with WIPRO company as cloud service engineer.

Both of them are high-tech researchers.

Mukul Kumar said that when he went on a blind date last year, he felt that the girl respected his parents very much, so he decided to marry her in 10 minutes.

And the girl thought my family is great for her . She fell very comfortable with us and decide to marry Mukul  so quickly.

He hopes his wife can find a job in Taiwan and live together in Taiwan.

Taiwan is currently popular in individual free love and marriage.

When I heard he shares that they accept their parents arrangement and married because the other side respects their parents and likes the other family.

Wow, the tradition of "big family" is still preserved in India, "big family" it used to be in Taiwan.





Mukul Kumar once enthusiastically shared how to cook Indian cuisine.

Because of his demonstration, I learned to germinate beans and add red beans and tree beans to my meals

He says India doesn't have as much meat as Taiwan

Chicken or fish about once a week Eggs 1-2 times a week

Due to faith, does not eat pigs and cows

Mainly soy as protein source

It's strange to hime that boiling  chicken in a big pot with a lot of water in Taiwan, what he eats in India is boiled with curry,










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